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Reshaping your MIND will change your life.

Welcome to Limitless Potential! I am so excited that you're taking the time to browse here. While you're in this web of love, take a deep breath knowing that you're here for a reason that is divinely aligned. I understand that life’s challenges are unique and complex to each individual. As a spirit-guided coach and hypnotherapist I am here to tailor your needs as you follow your own hero’s journey.
So... are you creating yourself? Eager to find your purpose on earth? Would love to simply enhance your life or amplify it? Those of you feeling out of place and seeking a starting point, I’ll show you how to move forward in a mindful manner.

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IHAP (Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner)
 CSLC (Certified Spiritual Life Coach)

 CHT (Certified Hypnotherapist)

It is my mission to serve as your guide as you conquer your roadblocks, just as many hire a personal trainer for fitness...
I am here to serve as a personal trainer for your mind.
Our time on earth is unique and amazing, therefore we should not let it pass by feeling unfulfilled or purposeless. 
Through my transformative coaching style you will learn how to heal yourself from past issues and how to better handle your emotions with stronger mind control. You will be able to keep these tools in your back pocket for life.
It is pure synchronicity that you landed here, because you are ready to identify, hone and harness your gifts and take full control over your own life.
Self-healing and evolution is necessary as humans - things are constantly changing and evolving. 
Once I bridged the gap between every day living and spirituality there was no going back. My mind and body leveled up and continues to do so every day.
I've always appreciated and admired those who work from the purest place of their heart.
Get in touch today so that, together, we may align you with your highest path in life.
You are ready to fulfill your souls purpose, and mine is to guide you!

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Divine Feminine Healing

Enhance Relationships

Self Love

Inspiration & Guidance

Identify & Claim Gifts

This service is a favorite among many. By reshaping your subconscious thoughts and beliefs, you will shift effortlessly from low vibrational (-) to high vibrational (+) thinking, thus attracting a more wholesome life. Your life experiences will feel more joyous and you will undergo transformation feeling liberated and enlightened. I will share with you the cheat codes to life, after all, these are your birth rights. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After one or several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise.
Book now to receive your keys to a healthier life.
Contact me for a free 20 minute consultation!!

Image by Sarah Ball
Image by Harry Quan


Control Yourself
Break Your Habits
Change Your Patterns
Pain Management
Weight Loss/Gain

Do you feel like you are always adding new tasks to your to-do list but never crossing anything out?
Is there something toxic that you just cannot seem to sever?
Do you simply just want to feel relaxed? Are you trying to over come a phobia or fear?
Do you constantly procrastinate?
Are you struggling with time management and feeling like life is one big rush?
Do you have fear to clear? 
My specialization will guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals through hypnotherapy. Reprogramming your subconscious mind has proven to be the most effective way at sticking to growth, self-discipline & self-control.
Get in touch today and gain more control of your mind.
Book a free 20 minute in depth consultation for more clarifying information on the process of hypnotherapy.

I have used these tools of enlightenment throughout my own journey and completely altered my reality for the betterment of my life path. It starts within and the only way out is through.

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"How many more signs do you need before you realize that it's time for quantum shifting?"

Kay Rose

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Image by Jay Castor

Our minds are similar to a lotus... Even with its roots stemming from the most murky of waters, the lotus produces a beautiful flower. The lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions; as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. The characteristics of the lotus are a perfect analogy for the human condition. <3 Kay Rose

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